AET CEO named President of ACEC/MN

AET CEO named President of ACEC/MN

AET_portraits3569_5x7.jpgWe are proud to announce that AET CEO, Mr. Dan Larson, P.E., has been named President of the American Council of Engineering Companies of Minnesota (ACEC/MN). Larson joins past AET leaders who have served as the organization’s president; Robert E. Pendergast (1985-86), Donovan K. Stormoe (1992-93) and Robert J. Struve (2011-12).

As President, Larson will continue ACEC’s tradition of connecting consulting engineering firms with the business community through advocacy, training and networking events. The organization recently updated their strategic plan, something Larson is excited to begin implementing. “An organization, like ACEC/MN, thrives on growth and service to our members. This new strategic plan will help us address our member’s needs in such areas as workforce development and technology, and advocate for the consulting engineering industry which continues to transform.”

A passionate supporter of STEM education, Larson plans to continue the organization’s involvement in STEM education programs, something he feels is integral to the success of the consulting community. “The field of engineering has changed since I first started my career, there are new technological and sustainability developments that did not exist years ago,” says Larson. “Despite advances, the fundamentals behind engineering has stayed the same and the impact of an engineer on a community has grown more important. It’s up to us in the engineering community to continue to foster kids’ interests in the field throughout their education to continue the legacy of qualified, passionate engineers working together in this state.”


The American Council of Engineering Companies of Minnesota (ACEC/MN), formed in 1949, is a statewide organization dedicated to enhancing the consulting engineering profession, promoting the private enterprise system and protecting the general public. ACEC/MN’s 150 member firms, representing over 7,000 employees, provide services to all segments of society, including federal, state and local governments, private industry and the general public.

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