Greg Reuter Speaks at FHWA Midwest Geotechnical Conference

Greg Reuter Speaks at FHWA Midwest Geotechnical Conference

Greg Reuter, PE, PG, D.GE of AET and John Weeldreyer, PE of the SDDOT presented on South Dakota’s LRFD Pile Test Program.

Gregory Reuter, PE, PG, D.GE co-presented “South Dakota’s LRFD Pile Test Program” at the 43rd Annual FHWA Midwest Geotechnical Conference in Bloomington, MN on October 3, 2014.  They discussed the SDDOT’s geotechnical implementation of Load and Resistance Factor (LRFD) for bridge foundation design and construction, and also described the static load testing of driven piles that AET helped perform at five different sites throughout South Dakota.

John Weeldreyer, PE, Foundation Engineer with the South Dakota Department of Transportation was the co-presenter.  Greg is a Principal Geotechnical Engineer with American Engineering Testing, Inc. in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Contact Greg at greuter@amengtest.com to bring the presentation to your team.

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