Market: Public Sector

Petrography at its most basic is akin to the “CSI of concrete”. At a more in depth level, Petrographers (those …

AET has over twenty years of experience in nondestructive testing and performs inspections to standards and codes such as AWS, …

Deep foundations are used to transfer structural loads through poor soils into underlying competent soil or bedrock. There are many …

There are many reasons why chemical analyses are performed in the construction industry. Our clients, for instance, request these tests …

Our testing services not only conform to specific national and international standards, but are also of the highest quality… …

Troubling shooting water infiltration is one of the most common issues we assist with here in the building technology department. …

Curing is the final step in the nearly 70-step, highly complex process of concrete production and placement. As in any …

With new projects and facilities opening, it is crucial to have up-to-date permits. Unfortunately, many times the need for air …

AET’s professionals have guided clients in securing millions of dollars in brownfield grant funds. Now we would like to share …