Public Sector
Serving Local, Regional, and State Agencies and the Federal Government

AET provides geotechnical engineering, environmental consulting, building forensics, petrographic, and material testing services on municipal projects for cities, counties, regional agencies, and states. We also support federal agencies and the military on projects located across the nation and around the world.
Technical Experts for Local and Regional Government Projects in the Upper Midwest and Wyoming
AET’s reputation for responsiveness and accuracy has led to consulting opportunities across the country. Primarily, however, we enjoy repeat engagements with local and regional clients for whom we have consulted for years.
For over 50 years we have supported municipal projects such as the building of water and wastewater treatment plants and distribution infrastructure; roadways; bridges; and parking lots; and the construction and renovation of city-owned buildings and facilities, arenas, and airports. We also serve regional agencies, such as the Metropolitan Council, public school districts, and state colleges and universities.
Our Environmental Group is in demand for pre-purchase due diligence services along roadway and transit corridors. Our environmental teams provide environmental site assessments (Phase 1 and 2), asbestos and hazardous material and regulated waste surveys, as well as environmental remediation planning, coordination, and implementation. We have consulted on award-winning Brownfields redevelopment projects and successfully assisted local agencies with grant application preparation for environmental investigation and clean-up projects.
Some agencies with strong technical staff hire AET for specialty technical expertise, such as pavement investigations using ground penetrating radar (GPR), falling weight deflectometer (FWD), and the advanced pavement design capabilities of our Pavements Group. Other times we serve as consultants to an A/E/C firm working for a city or county.
Whether you’re working on a simple parking ramp or a project that involves high security protocols, AET provides an experienced and professional team to identify and solve problems with the right solution.
State Government Project Experience in the Midwest
AET has a strong established track record and respected relationships with state agencies. We perform geotechnical engineering, construction materials testing, forensic, and environmental services for the departments of transportation (DOTs) in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. We have also worked on numerous state-owned buildings and infrastructure projects in these states.
Our Environmental Group performs underground storage tank subsurface investigation, risk assessment and remediation services under various state clean-up programs. In North Dakota and South Dakota, we work directly for the state leaking underground storage tank (LUST) programs.
Federal Government Projects Throughout the U.S.
AET’s federal government project portfolio encompasses all of our service disciplines on projects such as dams, roadways, bridges, airports, and Federal buildings. While the majority of our federal projects are in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, our petrographic and forensics work takes us all over the United States. Our reputation in these disciplines has also attracted international work.
AET works directly for the U.S. government or teams with partner firms on some federal contracts. Our teaming partners and AET hold indefinite delivery contracts with the Indian Health Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Forest Service, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
Our Environmental Group has performed subsurface exploration, risk assessment and remediation services for many federal agencies, including the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Indian Health Service and the U.S. Forest Service. Our Environmental Group is familiar with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) site exploration, risk assessment and remediation protocols and has completed several successful projects under the EPA Brownfields Redevelopment and Land Revitalization programs.
Maintaining certifications and understanding specific federal agency requirements is a primary element of our success. Our past work with the UACE has resulted in validation of our independent laboratories for construction materials testing on their projects.
We have also consulted on hydroelectric dams, structures, and transportation projects for the United States military, in the US and abroad.
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Knowledge Sharing
We are pleased to welcome Zachary “Zac” Anunson back to Team AET as our Director of Field Services, MN! Zac …
We are excited to announce the addition of David Koppel to Team AET as our new Environmental Manager in the …
We are excited to announce that Gerard Moulzolf, Vice President of the St. Paul Materials Division, has been elected as …