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When roadways deteriorate, there are a number of options for rehabilitation. One such option is the use of full-depth reclamation (FDR) techniques, …
At the 2018 National Road Research Alliance (NRRA)’s Pavement Conference held on May 24th, 2018, AET President and Principal Engineer, …
Over 2,300 truck trips are typically required to drill and develop an oil well in North Dakota. After completion, it …
The North Dakota Bakken oil patch can be a challenging place to work for many reasons, not the least of …
The engineers and materials scientists of the AET Concrete Laboratory provide prompt response to requests for the evaluation of construction …
Ask someone in our industry if it’s important for a laboratory or another service provider to be accredited, and you’ll …
Earlier this week, CEO/Chairman, Terry Swor, announced that David Rettner, PE, has been elected by the Board of Directors as …
When winter is at its peak it is hard to remember summer commutes filled with road construction — but make …
Whether you are measuring the compressive strength of a concrete cylinder or conducting long-term creep and shrinkage tests, we can …
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